
The submissions are available through the PaperPlaza  system.

In PaperPlaza, find ICDL and choose “Submit a Contribution to ICDL”. All authors or proposers will require to have a PIN (account).

Templates are standard RAS IEEE two-column paper templates, to be used for all submission types. See the PaperPlaza support page, and check LaTex or Word templates.

The review process will be single blind: the reviewers will be anonymous; the authors will openly disclose their identity in their manuscripts.

We invite submissions in these categories:

  • Contributed papers (6 pages; up to 2 extra pages subject to charges).
    • Deadline: March 14, 2025  March 28, 2025.
    • Papers of up to 6 pages in IEEE double column format, including references, will undergo peer review and accepted and presented submissions will be included in the conference proceedings published by IEEE Xplore. Up to two extra pages are acceptable for a publication fee of $100 per page. Accepted papers will be invited for presentation either in oral or poster format. Please make use of the template provided at
    • With every paper, you can indicate to be compete in one or both challenges:
      • BabyBot Challenge Paper Award
        • Babybot Challenge papers are expected to establish a strong link between developmental psychology and robotics and/or computational modeling. Submissions will be judged by the following criteria:
          • How well does the computational model (e.g., an artificial system, which can be a robot, artificial system, or a software agent) represent the particular features of the experimental research addressed.
          • How closely the performance of the model replicates the experimental findings and how parsimonious is the model.
          • How explicit the model is about cognitive mechanisms and the
          • The extent of the novel insights or explanations generated by the model, and importantly whether the model make interesting and testable predictions.
        • We encourage the authors to tag their submission for “Babybot Challenge” award during contributed paper submission, which would indicate that there is significant content that puts the paper in the spotlight of “Babybot Challenge”.
      • BabyObserve Challenge Paper Award
        • This Challenge is new, and its intention is to foster the community’s discoveries in research related to the development of cognition and learning that go beyond what is currently in focus.  BabyObserve Challenge papers are expected to introduce novel or “edge case” phenomena to the ICDL community from observations of child development, but also related mechanisms, interplays of skills, properties of (environmental and / or social) ecologies that promote it. 
        • Observations can result in quantitative or qualitative research that is further described in the paper. Submissions will be judged by the following criteria:
          • How innovative is the phenomenon and why it is important for the ICDL community
          • How well is the phenomenon described to inspire computational models
          • How well is the phenomenon theoretically grounded or linked to the existing literature
        • We encourage the authors to tag their submission for “BabyObserve Challenge” award during contributed paper submission, which would indicate that there is significant content that puts the paper in the spotlight of “BabyObserve Challenge”.
  • Workshop and tutorial proposals.      
    • Deadline: March 14, 2025 March 28, 2025.
    • Workshops are exciting opportunities to present a focused research topic cumulatively. Tutorials are meant to provide insights into specific topics through hands-on training and interactive experiences. 
    • In the spirit of the conference, we invite applicants to propose interdisciplinary workshops and tutorials that might create links between different research areas, approaches, and methodologies.
    • Workshops and tutorials can be either full-day or half-day (including oral presentations, posters and live demonstrations; poster boards will be provided) and they will be held on the first day of the conference, September 16, 2025. See to get an idea about the time slots.
    • In PaperPlaza, please fill in the abstract and on the next page submit a pdf document of maximum 3 pages  using the template linked above. 
    • The pdf should include:
      • Title
      • Duration (half day or full day)
      • Content of the workshop/tutorial
      • Target audience
      • List of speakers
      • Open to paper/poster submission
      • Tentative schedule
  • Journal Track.
    • Deadline: April 1, 2025.
    • Journal track submissions must be about a journal paper that has been published in the March 2024 – March 2025 period (online ahead of print is fine) on topics relevant to the conference. 
    • In PaperPlaza, please fill in the abstract and on the next page submit a pdf document of maximum 1 page using the template linked above. 
    • Journal track submissions should consist of a single PDF that contains the following information:
      • Title of the original paper.
      • Abstract of the original paper.
      • A complete reference to the original paper in APA format.
      • URL where the paper can be shown to be formally published by the publisher (even if early access).
      • URL where the paper with its final camera-ready contents can be freely downloaded for the evalution process.
      • A brief description (no more than half-page) to explain why the authors believe that the paper is relevant to ICDL.
  • Late-breaking results (1-page abstracts).
    • Deadline: June 13, 2025.
    • To encourage discussion of late-breaking results or for work that is not sufficiently mature for a full paper, we will accept 1-page abstracts. These submissions will not be included in the conference proceedings. Accepted abstracts will be presented during the poster session.
    • In PaperPlaza, please fill in the abstract and on the next page submit a pdf document of maximum 1 page using the template linked above.